Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects
(Last update: 19-Apr-2024)

Result of query: info cati BL97]$

Details on Acronym:   [BL97]
[BL97] (Blair+Long, 1997)
Write:<<[BL97] N300-ANN>>
<<[BL97] N7793-ANN>>
<<[BL97] N7793-S26ext>>
<<[BL97] N7793-S26a>>
N: 28+28+4+22+22+11
Object:?  (SIMBAD class: Unknown = Object of Unknown Nature)
Stat:is completely incorporated in Simbad
Note:Table 3A: format 'N300-SNN', N=28 possible SNR in NGC 300
Table 3B: format 'N7793-SNN', N=28 possible SNR in NGC 7793
Table 3B, 5A: 'N7793-S26' is divided into 3 components '26a' to '26c' and has an exterior companion: '26ext'
Table 4B: format 'N300-HNN', N=22 HII regions in NGC 300
Table 5B: format 'N7793-HNN', N=22 HII regions in NGC 7793
Table 5C: format 'N7793-DNN', N=11 Diffuse regions in NGC 7793
Maps and Identif. charts in Plates 3-26
in source:NGC 300
in source:NGC 7793
 Astrophys. J., Suppl. Ser., 108, 261-277 (1997)
  Identification of supernova remnants in the Sculptor group galaxies NGC 300 and NGC 7793.
oTable 3A: <[BL97] N300-SNN> (Nos S1-S28). Tables 3B, 5A: <[BL97] N7793-SNN> (Nos S1-S28), <[BL97] N7793-S26ext> N=1, <[BL97] N7793-S26a> (Nos 26a-26c). Table 4B: <[BL97] N300-HNN> (Nos H1-H22). Table 5B: <[BL97] N7793-HNN> (Nos H1-H22). Table 5C: <[BL97] N7793-DNN> (Nos D11-D11)
Originof the Acronym: S = Created by Simbad, the CDS Database