Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects
(Last update: 10-Apr-2024)

Result of query: info cati 2XLSS$

Details on Acronym:   2XLSS
2XLSS (XMM Large Scale Structure survey Version II)
N: 5572
Object:(X)  (SIMBAD class: X = X-ray Source)
Note:The XMM Large Scale Structure survey is a large area X-ray survey done with XMM-Newton (project web site http://vela.astro.ulg.ac.be/themes/spatial/xmm/LSS/index_e.html).The database tables (X-ray only and multiwavelength one)are accessible registering as a public user on site http://cosmosdb.iasf-milano.inaf.it/XMM-LSS/

2XLSS is the second version of the XMM-LSS catalogue (the first version XLSS is described in 2007MNRAS.382..279) and namely the variant referring to an uniform processing of event files truncated to a common exposure of 10 ks (see also 2XLSSd).

Database will be released publicly via our site and CDS as soon as catalogue paper (submitted to MNRAS on 22/06/2012) will be accepted.

Acronyms 2XLSS and 2XLSSd complement the already registered XLSS acronym. Preemptively registered acronym 1XLSS will not be used (XLSS is version I i.e.2007MNRAS.382..279 ; 2XLSS and 2XLSSd are version II).

Existing publications refer to entire XMM-LSS survey. 5 (including submitted ones) refer explicitly to 2XLSS* catalogues.

Auth.:Lucio Chiappetti

INAF-IASF Milano, via Bassini 15, Milano, I
Originof the Acronym: p = Pre-registered to IAU Comm.5