Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects
(Last update: 19-Apr-2024)

Result of query: info cati Mill$

Details on Acronym:   Mill
Mill (Miller)
Write:<<Mill R-NN>>
N: 18+8+45+42+17+15
Object:OB*  (SIMBAD class: Star)
Note:Table II: format 'II-NN', N=18 Vela I O-B3 stars
Table III: format 'III-N', N=8 OB assoc. stars in Vela
Table IV: format 'IV-NN', N=45 HD 95540 field O-B3 stars
Table V: format 'V-NN', N=42 GL Car field O-B3 stars
Table VI: format 'VI-NN', N=17 HD 101545 field O-B3 stars
Table VII: format 'VII-NN', N=15 HD 106674 field O-B3 stars
 Astron. J., 77, 216-229 (1972)
  Faint O-B2 stars in the Vela, Carina, Centaurus and Crux sections of the Southern Milky Way.
oTable II: <Mill II-NN> N=18, Table III: <Mill III-N> N=8, Table IV: <Mill IV-NN> N=45, Table V: <Mill V-NN> N=42, Table VI: <Mill VI-NN> N=17, Table VII: <Mill VII-NN> N=15
Originof the Acronym: L = Found in the literature