Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects
(Last update: 19-Apr-2024)

Result of query: info cati NGC 7078$

Details on Acronym:   NGC 7078
NGC 7078 
Write:<<NGC 7078 NNNN>>
N: 1137
Rem:No. 648 is a PN, often found as 'K 648' or 'Ku 648'.
 Veroeff. Astron. Inst. Bonn, 15, 1-47 (1921)
  Der kugelformige Sternhaufen Messier 15.
oNGC 7078 648 is a PN, often found as 'K 648' or 'Ku 648'.
o<NGC 7078 NNNN> (Nos 1-1137).

Details on Acronym:   Cl* NGC 7078 K
Cl* NGC 7078 K (Kustner)
====>Equivalent to: NGC 7078

Details on Acronym:   Cl* NGC 7078 Ku
Cl* NGC 7078 Ku (Kustner)
====>Equivalent to: NGC 7078