Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects
(Last update: 19-Apr-2024)

Result of query: info cati ** RDS NNNN$

Details on Acronym:   RDS
RDS (Rossiter, Double *)
Write:<<** RDS NNNN>>
N: 8065
Object:**  (SIMBAD class: ** = Double or Multiple Star)
 Publ. Michigan Obs., 11, 1-None (1955)
  Catalogue of southern double stars.
oCatalogue: <** Don NNNN> N=1031 among (Nos 1-1057). <** Jsp NNN> N=803 among (Nos 1-854). <** RDS NNNN> (Nos 1-8065). <** Rst NNNN> N=5534 among (Nos 1-5560).