Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects
(Last update: 10-Apr-2024)

Result of query: info cati H2006] GR 8 ddN$

Details on Acronym:   [H2006]
[H2006] (Hidalgo-Gamez, 2006) (Not yet in Simbad)
Write:<<[H2006] ESO 245-05 dN>>
<<[H2006] ESO 245-05 hN>>
<<[H2006] GR 8 adN>>
<<[H2006] GR 8 ahN>>
N: 4+3+11+7
Object:HII  (SIMBAD class: HIIReg = HII Region)
Note:Study of diffuse ionized gas regions (letter d in the format) and HII regions (letter h in the format) in two galaxies.
in source:ESO 245-5
in source:GRDG 8
 Astron. J., 131, 2078-2088 (2006)
  Diffuse ionized gas in irregular galaxies. I. GR 8 and ESO 245-G05.
oTable 3: <[H2006] ESO 245-05 dN> (Nos d1-d4), <[H2006] ESO 245-05 hN> (Nos h1-h3). Table 4: <[H2006] GR 8 adN> (Nos ad1-ad2), <[H2006] GR 8 bdN> (Nos bd1-bd3), <[H2006] GR 8 cdN> (Nos cd1-cd2), <[H2006] GR 8 ddN> (Nos dd1-dd2), <[H2006] GR 8 edN> (Nos ed1-ed2), <[H2006] GR 8 ahN> (No. ah1), <[H2006] GR 8 bhN> (Nos bh1-bh2), <[H2006] GR 8 chN> (No. ch1), <[H2006] GR 8 dhN> (No. dh1), <[H2006] GR 8 ehN> (No. eh1), <[H2006] GR 8 fhN> (No. fh1).
Originof the Acronym: S = Created by Simbad, the CDS Database