Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects
(Last update: 24-Apr-2024)

Result of query: info cati JL81] WLM PN1$

Details on Acronym:   [JL81]
[JL81] (Jacoby+Lesser, 1981) (Not yet in Simbad)
Write:<<[JL81] IC 10 PN>>
<<[JL81] Leo A PNN>>
<<[JL81] Sextans A PN>>
<<[JL81] Pegasus Galaxy PN>>
<<[JL81] WLM PNN>>
N: 1+2+1+1+2
Object:PN  (SIMBAD class: PlanetaryNeb = Planetary Nebula)
Note:PN in dwarf galaxies.
in source:IC 10
in source:NAME Leo A
in source:NAME Sextans A
in source:NAME Pegasus Galaxy
in source:DDO 221 = WLM Galaxy
 Astron. J., 86, 185-192 (1981)
  Distances to nearby galaxies derived from planetary nebulae.
oFigs 1-5: <[JL81] IC 10 PN>, <[JL81] Leo A PN1>, <[JL81] Leo A PN2>, <[JL81] Sextans A PN>, <[JL81] Pegasus Galaxy PN>, <[JL81] WLM PN1>,<[JL81] WLM PN2>.
Originof the Acronym: S = Created by Simbad, the CDS Database