Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects
(Last update: 19-Apr-2024)

Result of query: info cati MF97] M 81$

Details on Acronym:   MF
MF (Matonik+Fesen)
***** Avoid the usage of MF, prefer [MF97]
Originof the Acronym: L (1999ApJ...523..121W)

Details on Acronym:   [MF97]
[MF97] (Matonik+Fesen, 1997)= (MF)
Write:<<[MF97] NGC 5204 N>>
<<[MF97] NGC 5585 N>>
<<[MF97] NGC 6946 NN>>
<<[MF97] M 81 NN>>
<<[MF97] M 101 NN>>
N: 3+5+27+41+93
Object:SNR  (SIMBAD class: SNRemnant = SuperNova Remnant)
Stat:is completely incorporated in Simbad
Note:Maps in Figs 3-24
in source:NGC 5204
in source:NGC 5585
in source:NGC 6946
in source:M 81 = NGC 3031
in source:M 101 = NGC 5457
 Astrophys. J., Suppl. Ser., 112, 49-107 (1997)
  Optically identified supernova remnants in the nearby spiral galaxies: NGC 5204, NGC 5585, NGC 6946, M81, and M101.
op. 62: Source S7 in M 101 = [WC95] S7
oTable 4: <[MF97] NGC 5204 N> (Nos 1-3). Table 6: <[MF97] NGC 5585 N> (Nos 1-5). Table 8: <[MF97] NGC 6946 NN> (Nos 1-27). Table 10: <[MF97] M 81 NN> (Nos 1-41). Table 12: <[MF97] M 101 NN> (Nos 1-93).
Originof the Acronym: S = Created by Simbad, the CDS Database