Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects
(Last update: 10-Apr-2024)

Result of query: info cati MH94a]$

Details on Acronym:   MH
MH (Miller+Hodge)
***** Avoid the usage of MH, prefer [MH94a]
Originof the Acronym: A = Assigned by the author(s)

Details on Acronym:   [MH94a]
[MH94a] (Miller+Hodge, 1994)= (MH)
Write:<<[MH94a] Ho R NN>>
<<[MH94a] IC 2574 NNN>>
<<[MH94a] M 81dB NN>>
N: 32+11+289+10
Object:HII  (SIMBAD class: HIIReg = HII Region)
Stat:is completely incorporated in Simbad
Note:Table 1: HII in Holmberg I: N=32
HII in Holmberg IX: N=11
HII in IC 2574: N=289
HII in M 81dB: N=10 (no HII in M 81dA)
in source:Holmberg I = DDO 63
in source:Holmberg IX
in source:IC 2574
in source:M 81 = NGC 3031
 Astrophys. J., 427, 656-675 (1994)
  HII regions in M 81 group dwarf galaxies.
oTable 2: cross=id. HK IC 2574 ...
oTable 1: <[MH94a] Ho I NN> N=32, <[MH94a] Ho IX NN> N=11, <[MH94a] IC 2574 NNN> N=289, <[MH94a] M 81dB NN> N=10
Originof the Acronym: S = Created by Simbad, the CDS Database