Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects
(Last update: 10-Apr-2024)

Result of query: info cati Cl Hogg 10 NN$

Details on Acronym:   Cl Hogg 10
Cl Hogg 10 
Write:<<Cl Hogg 10 NN>>
N: 23
 Astron. J., 81, 155-171 (1976)
  Relation of NGC 3590, Hogg 10, and Collinder 240 to the structure of the Carina spiral feature.
oTable III: <Cl* NGC 3590 Cla NN> (Nos 1-30). Table IV: <Cl Hogg 10 NN> (Nos 1-23). Table V: <Cl* Collinder 240 Cla NN> (Nos 1-42).

Details on Acronym:   Cl* Hogg 10 Cla
Cl* Hogg 10 Cla (Claria)
====>Equivalent to: Cl Hogg 10