Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects
(Last update: 19-Apr-2024)

Result of query: info cati Cl* NGC 5139 B$

Details on Acronym:   Cl* NGC 5139 B
Cl* NGC 5139 B (Bailey)
Write:<<Cl* NGC 5139 B a>>
<<Cl* NGC 5139 B VNNN>>
N: 20+132
Rem:(Nos V1-V132) repris dans 1973PDDO....3....6S
 Ann. Astron. Obs. Harvard Coll., 38, 1-252 (1902)
  A discussion of variable stars in the cluster ω Centauri.
oCl* NGC 5139 B VNNN = Cl* NGC 5139 Saw VNNN.
oTable III: <Cl* NGC 5139 B a> (Nos a-t). Table IV: <Cl* NGC 5139 B VNNN> (Nos V1-V132).

Details on Acronym:   Cl* NGC 5139 B
Cl* NGC 5139 B (Belserene)
====>Equivalent to: Cl* NGC 5139 Bel