Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects
(Last update: 26-Apr-2024)

Result of query: info cati GF NNANa$

Details on Acronym:   GF
GF (Globular Filament)
Write:<<GF NN>>
<<GF NNA>>
<<GF NNAa>>
<<GF NNANa>>
N: 23+90+109+6+32
Object:GF  (SIMBAD class: ISM = Interstellar Medium Object)
Note:Table 3: N=23 Globular Filaments, (Nos 1-23).
Figs 1-20:
3 hierarchies of condensations in each filament are considered: hierarchy 1 is denoted by a capital letter, format 'NNA', hierarchy 2 is denoted by a number, format 'NNAN', hierarchy 3 is denoted by a lowercase letter, format 'NNANa', Thus the name of an individual condensation might be 'GF 3A1b', which is the second sub-subfragment (b) inside the first subfragment (1) inside the first fragment (A) of the globular filament 3.
Identif. charts
 Astrophys. J., Suppl. Ser., 41, 87-95 (1979)
  A catalog of dark globular filaments.
oTable 3: <GF NN> (Nos 1-23). Plates 1-20: <GF NNA> N=90, <GF NNAN> N=109, <GF NNAa> N=6, <GF NNANa> N=32.
Originof the Acronym: A = Assigned by the author(s)

Details on Acronym:   GF
GF (Glass+Feast)
***** Avoid the usage of GF, prefer [GF73]
Originof the Acronym: L (1997ApJ...489..254C)