Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects
(Last update: 26-Apr-2024)

Result of query: info cati HLF Na$

Details on Acronym:   HLF
HLF (High Latitude Field)
Write:<<HLF 2 SNN>>
<<HLF 2 DD NNN>>
N: 1895
Object:*  (SIMBAD class: Star)
Note:Catalogue of stars in the field HLF 2.
Table 3: format '2 SNN' for standard stars (Nos S1-S84) format '2 DD NNN' for stars in declination zones from 11deg to 20deg
 Astrophys. J., Suppl. Ser., 12, 391-447 (1966)
  The stellar space distribution in Pegasus at b=-29.
oTable 1: <HLF Na> (Nos 1-2, 2a, 2b). Table 3: <HLF 2 SNN> (Nos S1-S84), <HLF 2 DD NNN> N=1811
Originof the Acronym: A = Assigned by the author(s)