Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects
(Last update: 24-Apr-2024)

Result of query: info cati LMV$

Details on Acronym:   LMV
LMV (Large Magellanic Variable)
Write:<<LMV NNNN>>
N: 1830
Object:V*  (SIMBAD class: Variable* = Variable Star)
Note:Table 12: (Nos 1-1830), among them 1128 Cepheids. 19 Identif. charts (1mm = 0.2')
in source:Magellanic Clouds:LMC = LMC
 SAO Special Report, 310, 1-None (1970)
  The Large Magellanic Cloud: its topography of 1830 variable stars.
o<LMV NNNN> (Nos 1-1830)
Originof the Acronym: A = Assigned by the author(s)