Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects
(Last update: 19-Apr-2024)

Result of query: info cati NGC 6791$

Details on Acronym:   NGC 6791
NGC 6791 
Write:<<NGC 6791 NNNN # 4 digits>>
N: 119+70+69+76+75+39+51
Rem:Always a 4 digits format.

Table 1: format N-NNN, first digit '2' for ring 2,
ex.: star 2-4 = NGC 6791 2004 (always 4 digits)

Table 2, 1st part: format N-N-NN, first digit '1' for ring 1,
2nd digit for quadrants 1 to 4 (respectively NW, SW, SE, NE).
(sometimes numbered as * WW 1)

Table 2, 2nd part: format N-NNN, first digit '3' for ring 3,
(2' to 4' of the center of NGC 6791)

Table 2, 3rd part: format N-NNN, first digit '4' for ring 4,
(1' to 2' of the center of NGC 6791).

Tables 8, 9: format A or a, the acronyme is "Cl* NGC 6791 KIN"
 Astrophys. J., 142, 655-680 (1965)
  The star cluster NGC 6791.
oTable 1: <NGC 6791 NNNN> (Nos 2001-2119). Table 2, 1st part: <NGC 6791 NNNN> (Nos 1101-1170, 1201-1269, 1301-1376, 1401-1475). Table 2, 2nd part: <NGC 6791 NNNN> (Nos 3001-3039). Table 2, 3rd part: <NGC 6791 NNNN> (Nos 4001-4051). Tables 8, 9: <Cl* NGC 6791 KIN A> (Nos A-Z, I missing), <Cl* NGC 6791 KIN a> (Nos a-n, l missing).

Details on Acronym:   Cl* NGC 6791 Kin
Cl* NGC 6791 Kin (Kinman)
====>Equivalent to: NGC 6791