Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects
(Last update: 26-Apr-2024)

Result of query: info cati NGC 6341$

Details on Acronym:   NGC 6341
NGC 6341 
Write:<<NGC 6341 NN>>
<<NGC 6341 NNNN # 4 digits>>
<<NGC 6341 NNNNN # 5 digits>>
N: 147
Rem:Tables 1, 2, 3:
Format 'NN': N=36 among (Nos 1-72), stars in central region.
Formats 'NNNN' (4 digits) and 'NNNNN' (5 digits):
The first digit is a Roman digit for regions (I to XII).
The format is always a 4 digits format for regions (I to IX),
and a 5 digits format for regions (X to XII)
ex.: NGC 6341 IV-1 = NGC 6341 4001
 Astrophys. J., 143, 313-326 (1966)
  Three-color photometry of the bright stars in the globular cluster M 92.
oTables 1, 2, 3: <NGC 6341 NN>, <NGC 6341 NNNN>, <NGC 6341 NNNNN> N=147. Table 1: <Cl* NGC 6341 SW XNN> (Nos X1-X22).

Details on Acronym:   Cl* NGC 6341 SW
Cl* NGC 6341 SW (Sandage+Walker)
====>Equivalent to: NGC 6341